Sunday, October 14, 2012

Still out of routine

Hi exercise regime is still out of whack. Only did a 3km walk yesterday (Sat) with nothing apart from a short walk to the Supermarket and back this arvo. We are off to Woodgate tomorrow morning so doubt I will get any in tomorrow morning either but could probably do a walk on the beach once we get there. I really hope to get back to the C25K jog/walk stuff soonish but only want to do that on grass. So fingers crossed I can find a reasonable patch to run around somewhere up there.

I have also strayed a little on the food side but am not going to beat myself up about it as I suspect this week will be very difficult to stay within the guidelines I am supposed to be following. There was even talk of a pizza one night when our friends from Hervey Bay come to visit.

How delicious do the cinnamon rolls look? They are grain free, sugar free (using Xylitol as a substitute) and could even be dairy free if you used coconut milk. Going to give them a try once we get back. The dough is actually made from Almond Flour and Flax Meal. Wish me luck - I don't profess to be much of a cook and have had some disasters of late in trying to modify recipes.

Anyway my next instalment will be from Woodgate - see you then.

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